
Hi-Tech Solutions was established in 2015 in Cyprus by experienced professionals in the fields of pioneering technology and renewable energy sources.

The company focuses on :

  • Renewable energy resources and their application in everyday life
  • Latest technological innovations and their applications
  • Wireless systems for commercial use

Who we are :

Our company consists of experienced professionals , specialized in the fields of renewable energy sources and their management . Our main advantage is the combination of technology among with wisdom and experience . We are committed to offer the best service to enhance our customers obtain their goals and needs with the most affordable and precise solutions . The highest levels concerning quality , products and services are also a commitment not only to our customers but ourselves too .

Our mission :

The basic and sole priority of our company is to make use of the latest technology through products that offer the most viable solutions on the market . As always , we take special care of each customer by supporting them from the beginning to offer them the most suitable solutions according to their needs .

Our goal :

Keeping in mind the needs of  life  nowadays and with respect to the environment we constantly try to offer the most effective solutions combining the latest technology with the most environmental solutions , offering the most competitive prices , on-time shipments and the best after sales service possible .

Our vision :

Our main vision is to improve the everyday life of any individual, respecting the environment and reduce the power productivity from mainstream sources of energy. We do not only want to avoid the use of resources that harm the environment but to assist also on the lower costs of energy bills both for companies and individuals.

Our promise :

Keeping our standards , from production line to after sales service , in the highest levels , we are constantly working on providing the most pioneering solutions to improve , simplify and make most peoples everyday life evolve according to latest needs .  Be sure that cooperating with us will not only verify our words but satisfy you in the best way possible .